The Creative Museum – International Conference
Bologna 8 October 2015
We was at The international conference “The Creative Museum”, within the framework of the EU funded project bearing the same name. The conference is organised within the framework of the EU funded project “Creative Museum” which explores the potential of digital technologies to find new ways of interpreting museum collections.
The project explores the potential of digital technologies applied to museums and seeks to connect the Maker Community and digital industries with museums and museum practitioners to explore new ways of interpreting collections.
Following this WORKSHOP:
Museomix: giving space to the community
Museomix: giving space to the community Museomix wants to develop a strong and sustainable community. For that, Museomix promotes a « self-sufficient » model where the community “takes care of itself” and whose members are, at the same time, beneficiaries and contributors to the commons. In that model, coordination is useful to support this autonomyin order to : • identify and define the latent needs • identify initiatives and emerging opportunities • involve stakeholders and integrate the actions (management dashboard) • facilitate procedures and access to existing resources • monitor the progress and developments of projects • facilitate close networking connections • encourage and facilitate mutual aid within the community (activation of a mentoring program) Facilitator: Juliette Giraud, Museomix, France. Working languages: English and French
MUSEOMIX 2013 / LET’S GO GLOBAL from Museomix on Vimeo.
What's your #creativemuseum hashtag? #emotions is mine @CreativeMuseum0 @museomix @NEMOoffice @nemech_unifi pic.twitter.com/qmye2bVdmM
— Paolo Mazzanti (@enrosadira) 8 Ottobre 2015
Creative Museums as a research networks of #objects #people #ideas #creativemuseum @CreativeMuseum0 @nemech_unifi pic.twitter.com/2Ln2uePG3m
— Paolo Mazzanti (@enrosadira) 8 Ottobre 2015
From #innovation to #experience #DanieleParioPerra #concept #contents #context #creativemuseum @CreativeMuseum0 pic.twitter.com/v3V4gpi2z5
— Paolo Mazzanti (@enrosadira) 8 Ottobre 2015
Pare che la prima @museomix #community italiana stia nascendo proprio ora a #Bologna, eccoci qui! #creativemuseum pic.twitter.com/ytewztLY8W
— Strategie Culturali (@BAMstracult) 8 Ottobre 2015
Also NEMECH @museomix workshop @CreativeMuseum0 #creativemuseum @enrosadira @kath_thebanshee http://t.co/TjNzV7BBlF pic.twitter.com/uT0olvg1w3
— NEMECH (@nemech_unifi) 8 Ottobre 2015